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Treten Sie in direkte Verbindung mit dem. Inhalt des Verzeichnisses GN 565. Discover the product specifications and technical features. You will also have access to a personal favorites list. Wij danken u voor uw interesse in onze webportal.
Aluminium, kunststoffbeschichtet. Een login voor dit portaal is alleen beschikbaar voor klanten. Bügelgriffe 725 aus Polyamid oder Polypropylen. Handles, aluminium, threaded blind holes for back mounting GN 565 Elesa. View all the technical features, download the CAD drawings or ask for a quotation. Stainless Steel-Arch handles GN 565.
Cabinet „U“ handles GN 565 are produced from profiled aluminum extrusions. Version BL: natural aluminium, bright finish. AISI 304 stainless steel, matt shot blasted MT. Type A: back mounting, tapped blind holes. Cabinet U handles GN 565 are produced from profiled aluminum extrusions. Their special features are their rigidity and ergonomical shaping.
Assembly Tapped blind holes. Information and sale at lowest prices of Elesa Ganter GN 565. A-GP, offered in Bulgaria by Impexron ltd. The shape of this handle has good ergonomic features. Contact us to get detailed information and price quotes on Elesa Ganter brand, GN 565.
GN 565 cabinet „U“ handles are made from a bent aluminum profile and have excellent stability and ergonomic design. Due to the production pro-cess. Adjusting, positioning, locking with and without position indication 2. Tensioning, clamping, switching with levers 2. Execution BL: natural aluminium.
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